
Monday, March 20, 2017

P.s!: Out With The Old & In With The New!

Celebrating My Birthday with a Personal Confession

My birthday passed two weeks ago without much fanfare. I spent the day with friends, feeling amazing and looking fabulous, which I haven't done in a long time and is exactly how I wanted to spend the day. Maybe because my birthday is so early in the year and happens right before Spring starts, but I've always treated my birthday as my true "New Year". It's a time when I take stock of my life so far, what I've accomplished and what I would still like to do.

Poop Cafe, Toronto, Birthday, Restaurant, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Happy Birthday to Me! at Poop Cafe in Toronto
The last year was a terrible one for me, and the rest of the world it seems. Between political disasters, terrorist attacks, refugee crisis, prominent celebrity deaths, and so much more, the world around me seem to reflect how my life was crashing down around me. 

A series of unfortunate events (starting on my last birthday) in both my personal and professional life created such an unbearable environment, that I had to retreat and cut myself off from everything and everyone, just stay sane. Losing my job and other professional hiccups, toxic family members, health issues and scares, topped off with an emotionally abusive relationship, pushed me over the edge and I was hanging on with just my fingertips. That's why I haven't written much or had a big social presence over the past year. I'm so sorry, but things are a changing! I had to take a time out and reassess the path my life was taking. I've made some tough and exciting decisions that I will be sharing over the next few months. Plans are in motion and I can't wait. Forget turning over a new leaf this year..... I'm planting a whole new tree! Happy Birthday to me!!!
P.s!: If you are a suffering a setback in your life, don't hesitate to reach out and talk to someone. My family and friends have been the biggest support for me and I could not have made it through the past year without them. But if you rather talk to a professional, check out the free resources through your workplace or call The Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600 or the Toronto Distress Centre 416-410-HELP (4357).


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