
Thursday, November 05, 2015

P.s!: Beautiful November!

October Blog Roundup & November Preview

It's hard to believe it's already November especially since the last few days felt like Spring outside. With my schedule packed full of personal and professional events and happenings, October passed by so quickly! And I had so many fabulous highlights from the previous month.

One of my favourite moments from October has to be cheering on the Toronto Blue Jays as they kept winning game after game on their road to the World Series. Although they were eventually eliminated, it was still thrilling to watch them get so far and see the city of Toronto and fans from across the nation and the globe Come Together to cheer them on!

Being a blogger sometimes has it's perks and in October I got to try out the new VR tour coming to Fort York very soon, as well as test out my first sleeping mask from Laneige. I also finally got the chance to visit the largest Andy Warhol exhibition in Canada and see the World Press Photo 2015 Photo Contest Exhibition, which both were amazing!

November is going to be another busy month (surprise, surprise). Between all the extra work I have been doing (details to come), I have already started to receive invites to holiday events! Yes, Christmas is just around the corner! I have several art exhibits lined up that I can't wait to visit and share as well as a few cool blog post ideas. So stay tuned!

P.s!: Don't forget that next week Wednesday is Remembrance Day. Please take a moment and thank a veteran, and stop whatever you are doing at 11am on November 11th to pause for a moment of silence to remember all those that fought for our freedom. If you can, please take part in the many Remeberance Day Ceremonies in Toronto.


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