
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

P.s!: March Melts & April Showers!

March Blog Roundup & April Preview

I can't believe March is over and April is finally here! This year has been going by so quickly and I, for one am looking forward to Spring and the fun and bright fashions and the new beauty products, that always appear with a new season.

With the change of a season comes a new change to The Purple Scarf. Near the end of each month, starting today, I will be posting a new P.s! featuring a roundup of some of my favourite posts and highlights of the past month just and a preview of some of the new and exciting posts coming up in the new month. For my first P.s Roundup and Preview Post, it was hard to come up just a FEW highlights from March as there were so many, but here are a few that stood out:

In March I quit smoking and started a journey to a healthier lifestyle. This is an ongoing change but I started with five goals that I'm still working on. Stay tuned for updates! I also enjoyed several art exhibits including the first ever Winter Stations competition and the Jean-Michel Basquiat Exhibition at the AGO. Also now that Spring is finally here, I'm having some fun with colour and bright accents on my nails in my outfits!

Even though it was extremely cold, March is one of my favourite months. It marks the end of winter, tulips can be seen peeking through melted snow, and of course my birthday is in March! But now that it's over here's a sneak peek of some of the exciting posts coming up in April!:

I'm so excited about April, with its showers and warmer weather. I also can't wait to share all my upcoming blog posts so stay tuned!

I would love some feedback about this new P.s blog post feature. Is it exciting and informative to get a preview of what's coming up and a roundup of the past month?

P.s!: April has a long weekend! Next weekend is Easter weekend that includes one of the few Friday holidays! There is plenty of things to do around Toronto or check out my What's Happening page for a listing of the many art exhibits running!

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