
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Exhibit: Kristiina Lahde's Ultra Parallel World!

Koffler Gallery's Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibition Review

Last weekend I braved the freezing temperatures for the chance see Koffler Art Gallery's latest exhibit - Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel.

Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada
 (L-R): Greater than, Less than, 2015; From a Straight Line to a Curve, 2014; Slide Rule, 2014
Ultra-Parallel is an interesting solo exhibit by Toronto-based artist Kristiina Lahde, in which she playfully alters ordinary measurement instruments into something new and stunning. From three dressmakers' measuring tapes cut in 2 halves - one precise, the other left to dangle - to a large geodesic ball made from old yardsticks, the underlying humour in Lahde's work is a little hard to miss, but well worth the effort of looking.

Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, tool for making
Tool for Making, 2014
Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, lines
Parallel Lines, 2015
Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, string and a box
String and a Box, 2015
Numbers and math have been used by humankind since the beginning of time to describe, explain, and create order in the chaotic world we live in. I love how Lahde uses instruments that helped create that order and re-format them into something else, which is not easily described or can be quickly explained.

Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, slide rule
Slide Rule, 2014
Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel Exhibit at Koffler Art Gallery in Toronto, exhibition, artmatters, Youngplace, Culture, measurment, yardsticks, tape, math, numbers, the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, slide rule
Slide Rule, 2014
This exhibit is not for everyone. I had to circle the room several times to see the humour and beauty in Ultra-Parallel. But once I did, I am glad I made the trek in the freezing cold to visit Lahde's chaotic order. Kristiina Lahde: Ultra-Parallel is running until March 29, 2015. Please visit Koffler Gallery for more information.

From a Straight Line to a Curve, 2014 (detail) and Slide Rule, 2014
From a Straight Line to a Curve, 2014 (detail) and Slide Rule, 2014
P.s!: All objects have a significant and interesting 'measurement detail'. For example String and a Box, 2015 is Lahde's arm-span measurement and Slide Rule, 2014 measures the same in height and width. Make sure to ask the Koffler Gallery volunteer to explain more. And as always, this exhibit is free!


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