
Sunday, January 18, 2015

P.s!: Forward Thinking While Looking Back!

Happy New Year!: 2014 Roundup & 2015 Preview

Well another year has gone by. I know I'm a few weeks late with this post, but one of my resolutions for this year is too not stress (too much) over getting things done. So here is my yearly roundup at the past year, the good, the bad and the fabulous and ideas for 2015!

The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog

I can't believe it's already 2015. I have spent the first few days of this New Year, sick in bed. I like to think that I'm getting the bad stuff out of the way first. 

The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog, CONTACT, photography festival, event
Exhibit: Touching Strangers, CONTACT Festival
The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog, cheryl hickey, spark sessions, event, conference
Event: Melanie.Ps and Cheryl Hickey at Spark Sessions
After reading last year's New Year Roundup and looking back on the past year, I'm really proud and excited on how far The Purple Scarf has come. I've accomplished several things I set out to do with my blog. My readership has grown, I've cultivated some great partnerships, my post images and content have gotten better, and I've tweaked my blog layout several times, and am quite happy with it. But there is always more room for improvement. I'm looking to add more travel posts and more beauty tutorials. As I visit new places, and try new things, I want to share those experiences with all of my readers.

The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog, Stanley Kubrick, exhibition, TIFF Bell Lightbox
Exhibit: Stanley Kubrick Exhibition at TIFF Bell Lightbox
The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog, my style, smart set, denim
My Style: Smart Set Denim Street Style!
My family has also grown in 2014. I have a new brother-in-law (welcome Adam) and I adopted a kitten from The Humane Society. Her name is Gillie, short for Gilligan (because she's my little buddy:), she's black, adorable, and drives me crazy! But I love her and so happy she decided to come home with me.

The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Culture, Blog, Gille, kitty, black, cat
My Little Buddy: Gillie
I've learned so much and had alot of fun meeting new people, visiting fabulous places, and sampling new things and products. And I enjoyed sharing all of it with my readers. Although I have had some set backs in 2014 both professionally and personally, I'm really looking forward to what 2015 has in store for me and The Purple Scarf.

P.s!: Let me know what were your favourite posts from 2014 were, so I can post more what you want to see!

Happy 2015!

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