
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Exhibit: Toronto's Urban Fabric!

Textile Museum of Canada's Urban Fabric Exhibition Review

The fabric of life is delicate. Family, friends, work, and more are all important threads that make up your own personal fabric piece. Pull a thread and the piece starts to unravel. But what would Toronto's fabric look like? That's what the Textile Museum of Canada's examines in its latest exhibit, Urban Fabric: Portraits of a City.

Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,

Toronto's urban environment and its dwellers all play a part to create its 'urban fabric'. Six artists have come together to create an interesting exhibition that captures Toronto's ever changing 'stuff' that makes up this great city.

Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,, dufferin, queen, dupont 2, scott norsworthy
L-R: Dufferin, 2014; Queen, 2015; Dupont 2, 2014 by Scott Norsworthy
Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,, don valley series, jessica craig
Don Valley Series, 2011-2012 by Jessica Craig
Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,, don valley series, jessica craig
Don Valley Series, 2011-2012 by Jessica Craig
From a map of Toronto made from found objects in the city to paintings of intricate and specific concrete surfaces, Urban Fabric offers an array of varied perspectives of Toronto. Even though this exhibit was quite small, I did enjoy seeing the city that I live in and love, in a different light. Urban Fabric: Portraits of a City runs until January 25, 2015. And while visiting, make sure to check out Telling Stories, running until January 25, 2015.

Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,, material map, scott eunson
Material Map - Toronto, 2014 by Scott Eunson
Urban Fabric Exhibtion at Textile Museum of Canada in Toronto, culture, art, artmatters, video, photography, painting, ontario, canada, urban, enviroment, the purple scarf,, beaconsfield concrete, sheila ayearst
Beaconsfield Concrete, 2011 by Sheila Ayearst

P.s!: As always Wednesday nights are 'pay-what-you-can'! And, as part of the Toronto Offsite Design Festival, on January 17, 2015, there is a free talk and tour with two of the exhibition's artists. Admission to the museum is also free on that day! Please visit Textile Museum of Canada for more information.


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