
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Exhibit: Rooftops & Vertigo!

Tom Ryaboi Photo Exhibit Review

Over the weekend I dragged myself to the Canary District Presentation Gallery, located on Front Street, near the Distillery District in Toronto. I wasn't there to buy a condo but to view the small but extraordinary photo exhibit, Cities of the Future, on display by Toronto based photographer Tom Ryaboi.

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Known as "Roof Topper", Tom Ryaboi scales skyscrapers to literally sit on the edge of them to capture some amazing cityscape images. I got to see an entirely different and breath taking view of the city.

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Cities of the Future: Photography Exhibit by Tom Ryaboi at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada

Included in the exhibit is Aletide, an interactive swing by Italian artists Fabio Giampietro, Ilario Vergani Bassi, and Paolo Di Giacomo. The swing was supposed to allow visitors "to experience the sensation of vertigo without leaving the ground". To try out Aletide, I had to put on headphones, face towards a large video screen and pump my legs and swing on a large wooden swing set. The video started once I started to swing. The higher and faster I swung, the faster the video moved. I felt like I was going through a space age tunnel, with the perspective changing when I swung closer.

Cities of the Future: Aletide Interactive Swing by Fabio Giampetro, Ilario Vergani Bassi, and Paolo Di Giacomo at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, swing, italian,artists, interactive, video, vertigo

Cities of the Future: Aletide Interactive Swing by Fabio Giampetro, Ilario Vergani Bassi, and Paolo Di Giacomo at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, swing, italian,artists, interactive, video, vertigo, grab
Video grab from Aletide
The swing was fun to try but unfortunately the headphones were not working when I visited. I did not experience vertigo, but I did remember how fun swinging was. Why did I ever stop playing on swing sets when I got older?

Cities of the Future: Aletide Interactive Swing by Fabio Giampetro, Ilario Vergani Bassi, and Paolo Di Giacomo at the Canary District Presentation Centre in Toronto, roof topper, art, artmatters, culture, exhibition,photo, city, skyscrappers, roof topping,the purple scarf, melanieps, ontario, canada, swing, italian,artists, interactive, video, vertigo

Cities of the Future is on display until October 30 and Aletide is running until October 23, 2014. The exhibit is open Monday-Thursday 12pm - 8pm and Saturday-Sunday 12pm- 5pm. Please visit Canary District for more information.

P.s!: This exhibit is open to the public and FREE! Enjoy!


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