
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Exhibit: The Changing Landscape of Contemporary Art at MOCCA!

Two Art &Culture Exhibitions Review

Over Thanksgiving weekend I decide to visit the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art and enjoy two of the Museum's latest exhibits TBD and BMO 1st Art!

TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: How Much Art Can You Take?, 2014 by Jesse Harris, Culture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
How Much Art Can You Take?, 2014 by Jesse Harris
MOCCA will be closing its doors next year when its lease expires on its current location on Queen Street West. What's next for MOCCA is TBD, or "To Be Determined", and the institution is faced with moving and starting over again and redefining itself.

TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: Fences Will Turn Into Tables, Maggie Groat, Culture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
Fences Will Turn Into Tables by Maggie Groat
TBD explores the notion that the definition of a contemporary art gallery is not fixed and should be more fluid and be more mobile to better affect communities. It's an interesting and though provoking exhibit which examines the need for contemporary art galleries and how contemporary art is not just something to hang on your wall or place on a table, but can encompass so much more. This idea was present in Arabella Campbell's work Ways of seeing by walking, 2014 which was little more than a set of directions that took me on a tour along Queen Street West. Another interesting piece was Jonah Brucker-Cohen's installation that drilled a hole in the museum's wall whenever someone visited MOCCA's website.

TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: Alerting Infrastructure, Jonah Brucker-Cohen,, Culture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
Alerting Infrastructure!, 2012 by Jonah Brucker-Cohen
TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: Alerting Infrastructure, Jonah Brucker-Cohen,, Culture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: Ways of seeing bt walking, Arabella Campbell, Culture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Queen Street West
Following the instructions on Queen Street West from Ways of seeing by walking, 2014 by Arabella Campbell
There is also 69 Jury Selected Ideas on 8x10 sheets that were submitted by architects, designers, and artists to design a possible future of the contemporary art gallery. Although some of the ideas were fantastical, some were rather interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibit and am waiting with breath abated to find out what happens next to MOCCA, one of my favourite Toronto museums.

TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: To Be Destroyed , 69 Jury Selected Submissions for Ideas,ulture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
To Be Destroyed: 69 Jury Selected Submissions for Ideas
TBD Exhibit at MOCCA: To Be Destroyed , 69 Jury Selected Submissions for Ideas,ulture, Artmatters, Contemporary, Museum, Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
It's kind of fitting that after visiting TBD and contemplating the future of the contemporary art gallery, that the next exhibit I visited celebrated the future of recent Canadian art graduates. BMO 1st Art! Invitational Student Art Competition is an annual competition where instructors are invited to select three students from their institutes' graduating class and submit their work to the selection jury. A winner is selected from each province and territory as well as a national winner. I was very excited to see the impressive artwork from the future of Canadian Contemporary artists and am looking forward to seeing some of these artists in the future. Please visit BMO 1st Art Invitational Student Competition for more information.

BMO 1st Art! Student Competition Exhibit at MOCCA: National Winner - Pvtrefactio VI (Black Sun) by Samuel deLange, Culture, Contemporary, Artmatters, Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
National Winner: Pvtrefactio VI (Black Sun) by Samuel deLange
BMO 1st Art! Student Competition Exhibit at MOCCA: Alberta Winner, Conundrum, Emmanuel Osahor, Culture, Contemporary, Artmatters, Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
Alberta Winner: Conundrum by Emmanuel Osahor
BMO 1st Art! Student Competition Exhibit at MOCCA: Nunavut Winner, Precious Time, Elijah Aitaok, Culture, Contemporary, Artmatters, Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps
Nunavut Winner: Precious Time by Elijah Aitaok
Both TBD and BMO 1st Art! Invitational Student Art Competition are running until October 26, 2014. Please visit MOCCA for more information.
  P.s!: As always, MOCCA is 'Pay-what-you-can'. Also, 8 of the 69 Jury Selected Ideas from TBD have been made into postcards that are free for visitors to take home. And stay tuned for more information on the fate of MOCCA, as soon as I find out more information, I will pass it on! 


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