
Monday, October 13, 2014

Event: White Night, Big City!

Toronto Nuit Blanche Culture & Art Event Recap

Last Saturday night was one of my favourite Toronto events: Nuit Blanche. And even though I was battling a bad cold and completely exhausted from working overtime at my job, I bundled up and went out to enjoy a night of free art.

Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Safe Space, Drake Hotel, Culture, Art, Artmatters, Installation, Performance, The Purple Scarf, Video, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Safe Space, Drake Hotel
Since 2006, Nuit Blanche is a magical night when the city of Toronto is transformed into a giant museum. I have been going to Nuit Blanche since the second year it started here in Toronto and have seen it change and evolve into the huge event it is now.
Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Abstractus by Ximena Steevans and Mauricio Velez at Gladstone Hotel, Art, Artmatters, Culture, Installations,Perormances, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Abstractus by Ximena Steevens and Mauricio Velez at Gladstone Hotel
Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Magic Carpet by Apollonia Vanova at Gladstone Hotel, Art, Artmatters, Cuture, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada, Performance, Installations
Magic Carpet by Apollonia Vanova
This year, different areas of Toronto opened up to host curated areas of Nuit Blanche, like Fort York and Spadina Avenue. I liked how the amazing space of Fort York was utilized for this event, but traveling between the different curated areas of Queen Street West, Bremner Boulevard and Fort York was quite a far walk with very little installations to view along the way. I didn't spend much time downtown, the crowds and hordes of drunken teens was too much for a sick person like me to take, but I did enjoy several installations and performances I got to view that night. 

Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Texting Syria, Art, Artmatters, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada, Culture, Installations, Performances, Photography
Texting Syria
Nuit Blanche 2014: Between Doors, 2014 by Labsapce Studios at Fort York, Art, Artmatters, Culture, events, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada, Installations, Performances
Between Doors, 2014 by Labspace Studio at Fort York
There were so many amazing art installations and performances I saw, but some of the highlights of the night for me were The Gladstone Hotel's third stage to their THEN/NOW/NEXT exhibit and Texting Syria, a haunting photo exhibit that sent you real life text messages from the front lines of the civil war. The cool interactive Between Doors, 2014 and the beautiful Melting Point light installation at Fort York were amazing. I also had fun playing a life size game of Snakes and Ladders and walking through the lighted Amaze Maze under a huge Global Rainbow. And two of my favourites of the night were Walk among Worlds and the mesmerizing Holoscenes.

Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Gyan Chauper (Snakes and Ladders) by Daniel and Paul Dhir at Fort York, Art, Artmatters, Culture, Installation, Performances, Interactive, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Gyan Chauper (Snakes and Ladders) by Daniel Samson and Paul Dhir
Toronto Nuit Blanche: Holoscences, 2014 by Early Morning Opera and Lars Jan, Art, Artmatters, Culture, Installations, Perormances, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Holoscenes, 2014 by Early Morning Opera and Lars Jan
Although there were quite a few low lights to this year's Nuit Blanche, the amazing art outshone them and I am already looking forward to what organizers do for next year.

Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Amaze, 2014 by Marcos Zotes and Global Rainbow, 2012 by Yvette Mattern, Art, Artmatters, Culture, Installation, Performance, Maze, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Amaze, 2014 by Marcos Zotes and Global Rainbow, 2012 by Yvette Mattern
Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Inside the Amaze Maze, 2014 by Marcos Zotes, Culture, Art, Artmatters, The Purple Scarf, Melanie.Ps, Ontario, Canada
Inside Amaze, 2014 by Marcos Zotes
Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Walk among Worlds, 2011 by Maximo Gonzalez, Art, artmatters, culture, the purple scarf, melanie,ps, installation, performance, ontario, canada
Walk among Worlds, 2011 by Maximo Gonzalez
 Toronto Nuit Blanche 2014: Walk among Worlds, 2011 by Maximo Gonzalez, Art, artmatters, culture, the purple scarf, melanie,ps, installation, performance, ontario, canada

P.s!: Some installations are still up and open to the public until today. Please visit Nuit Blanche for more information. Missed Nuit Blanche? Don't worry it will be back next year! And on a personal note: sorry for the lateness of this post and for being MIA during the past week. I have been battling a bad cold and staying overtime at work. I stretched myself way to thin and something had to give. So sorry.


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