
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lifestyle: Balancing Home + No Work Life!

Tips for Staying Motivated while Looking for a Job

I got laid on from my job a few months ago, and I have been trying to find full time employment ever since. I love blogging and all the events and exhibits I go to because of it, but it doesn't pay the bills. I've been finding it hard to stay motivated and keep up with every day errands and chores because of my lack of motivation due to my unemployment. And maybe because I had to schedule appointments, visits, and events around my job, but my life was much more organized when I was working.

Search Quote: "Job Searching is like hitting a pinata.... If you hit it hard enough, you'll be rewarded." Lifestyle, Work, Home, Life, Melanie_Ps, the purple scarf, motivation, motivated, Toronto, Canada,

Whether you work from home, are looking for employment, or are a stay at home mom, it can be hard to stay consistent in your everyday routine, if you are not scheduled to be somewhere. Here are some tips that I found helpful to keep my life organized and motivated.

1. Get dressed! 
Even though you might not be leaving your home today, get out of your pajamas! I found I became more productive, if I dressed like I was leaving my apartment.

2. Wash your face!  
Keep up your beauty routine in the morning. I sometimes put off doing my regular morning beauty regime until hours after I have gotten out of bed. I would think to myself 'that I had no place I had to be, so why rush?' Wrong! Keeping up with your morning beauty routine not only keeps your skin healthy, but it helps wakes you up and ready to start your day of job searching.

Balancing Home + Work Life: Keep Up Morning Beauty Regime, Job, Search, Lifestyle, Work, Home, Life, Melanie_Ps, the purple scarf, motivation, motivated, Toronto, Canada,

3. Put down the remote! 
For a few weeks, all I did was binge on random television shows. Don't get sucked into binge T.V. It might be easier to watch fabulous people go to their fabulous jobs, wearing fabulous clothes, than dealing with your own unfabulous employment situation, but before you know it, hours have gone by and you haven't left the couch. Not only did it make my feel worse than I already did, but I usually got a headache.

4. Get up in the morning! 
Because I was up all night binge watching T.V, I would sometimes stay in bed until noon. I would think to myself, while lying in bed, that 'I didn't need to be anywhere, so why get up?'. By the time I got out of bed, the day was half over, and I was completely unmotivated to look for a job. Also, when you finally do get a job, you will be so exhausted for the first few months, trying to get acclimated to work hours again.

Motivation Quote: "You Can Tell How Successful Your Life Is By How Much You Want To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning", Keep Up Morning Beauty Regime, Job, Search, Lifestyle, Work, Home, Life, Melanie_Ps, the purple scarf, motivation, motivated, Toronto, Canada,

5. Make To Do Lists! 
I sometimes would spend the entire day on my computer, wasting time watching cat You Tube videos, updating social media, or working on my blog, that everything else in my life fell to the wayside. Keep up with laundry, do the dishes, or now that you have the time, take this opportunity to do some big tasks. Like clean out your closet, plant your garden, or organize the thousands of photos on your computer. I felt a sense of accomplishment, even though I wasn't working, when I crossed things off my To Do List. Plus it helped keep me organized.

6. Keep applying for jobs! 
A few times I found myself so wrapped up in other things, my job search took a backseat. Make it a point to apply to 5 jobs every week. Put it on your To Do List!

Balancing Home + No Work Life: Make To Do Lists, Job, Search, Lifestyle, Work, Home, Life, Melanie_Ps, the purple scarf, motivation, motivated, Toronto, Canada,

I know the job market is small and it becomes very easy to become unmotivated when weeks turn into months of unemployment, and you get into a slump. But I found that by following these simple guidelines, I felt better about myself and my prospects, and I'm sure that comes across during job interviews. So whether you are looking for a job, or just trying stay productive at home, these 6 suggestions should help you keep motivated to face whatever the day has in store for you!

Balancing Home + No Work Life: Stay Positive, New Job Ahead, Search, Lifestyle, Work, Home, Life, Melanie_Ps, the purple scarf, motivation, motivated, Toronto, Canada,

P.s!: Just stay positive! Positivity is a trait employers look for. Know of any employment opportunities that I will be a good fit for? Let me know!


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