
Friday, February 21, 2014

Beauty: Winter Soft Legs!

Heya! I don't know about you, but one of my major skin problems during the winter months, is super dry legs. I wear pants almost exclusively during the cold months, not giving much time for my skin to breath. Also, with the cold air outside and the dry heated air inside, I always suffer from dry and itchy legs during the winter. My legs usually become so dry during the January and February months, that I can sometimes scratch them them so hard I leave marks! But this year was different! I was lucky enough to be sent Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream and I've been using it over the last several months. What an amazing difference!

 Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream Review from Melanie.Ps Blogger for The Purple Scarf Beauty Skincare

I apply the cream every other day, just after I shower. It goes on extremely thick, and I usually have to wait a minute or two before it completely absorbs. But it is definitely worth the wait. I don't think my legs have ever been this soft during the winter. And although Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream has a strong medicinal smell at first application, the scent usually dissipates within 10 minutes.

Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream Review from Melanie.Ps Blogger for The Purple Scarf Beauty Skincare

This cream is great to use if your skin is extremely dry and I would highly recommend it if you are finding your skin feeling the effects of winter. There is also a children's cream. Although, I have no kids of my own, I would assume it works just as well. Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream is fragrance and colour free and non-greasy. For more information please visit

Spectro Dry Skin Therapy Cream Review from Melanie.Ps Blogger for The Purple Scarf Beauty Skincare

Discloure!: Even though I was sent this product to try and review, all my statements and opinions are true and reflect my actual viewpoint.

And P.s!: I got extremely sick a few weeks ago and my nose and the area just below it was completely raw and red from blowing it 100 times a day. I applied the Spectro cream to the area 2 nights in a row and it cleared and healed it right away!



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