
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Beauty: My Covergirl Jumbo Backup!

Heya! One of my New Years Resolutions this year, was to get organized both in my professional and personal life, to help make my life run more smoothly. To begin organizing my life, I first started to organize my home. I began to go through the mountain of beauty and makeup products, I have bought and received over the last year. During my clean up, I came across This CoverGirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist, that I was given in a swag bag from a  previous fashion event. I usually don't wear pink on my lips, which is probably why it was unopened. But I decided to give it a try, and wear it everyday for a week.

Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

First detail to note about this product is that the cap is a bright shade of pink, and on my lips it was a more pastel shade of pink. So keep in mind, when buying this product that the cap on the package doesn't necessarily reflect the actual colour when applied. 

At first, I liked this product. I like how easy it was to use and how easy it was to apply. It went on smooth and added a little moisture to my lips. It also wasn't sticky, or extremely glossy. I also like the amount of pigmentation, not too much (like a lipstick) and not too sheer. It also lasted quite long and only had to be reapplied a few times throughout the day. 

Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

 Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

But after a few days I started to feel differently about this lip Gloss. I'm not quite sure if I like how matte this gloss is. I do hate it when Lip Glosses are extremely shiny, but I feel there is not enough shine to consider the Covergirl Lip Perfection Gloss Balm a gloss, more like a coloured Lip Balm or a sheer lipstick. Also, after extended daily use, this Lip Gloss started to dry out my lips. I would not only use this product on a regular daily basis. Also, Lip Perfection Gloss Balm accentuated any dryness I had on my lips, even if my lips were not dry. It's like the Lip Gloss seemed to settle in every line on my lips.

Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

Overall, it's an O.K. product. For me. I think Covergirl Lip Perfection Gloss Balm is one of those products that you will have to try for yourself to see if you like it. I've heard mixed reactions and reviews from several people. Some hate it, some love it, and some people are "comme ci comme ça" about it, like me. You will have to try it yourself. It's available at most drugstores and cosmetic departments and costs around $8.00.

Covergirl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm in Watermelon Twist Beauty Makeup Fashion Blogger from Toronto Canada Review

And P.s!: Beauty products that you don't use regularly or consistently, make great beauty backups. Keep these backups your purses and bags instead of collecting dust in a drawer somewhere. I use the Covergirl Lip Perfection Gloss Balm as a great back up to my regular lip gloss, that I occasionally forget at home. It's great when, I find myself going somewhere unexpectedly after work, to have a coloured lip balm in my bag ready for quick touch ups!


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